mercoledì 25 giugno 2008

Burberry Rocks!!

it's probably my best jacket so far..
can't stop cherish my stupid phone since I made the Burberry Brit DIY custom jacket.. ( *^.^) (lots of caresses)

everything came out soo smooth this time..
ok, maybe I was just lucky^^

As I told you last time I suspected that using multiple paper sheets for a thin and light jacket could lead up to a better outcome and I was correct :-)
The paper I used for the Brit's Jacket was a simple advertising picture (magazine cutting), very thin and frail. To avoid waves I just put a second jacket (slightly bulker paper) under the Burberry one.. and it's perfect!

The fragrance of Burberry Brit is one of my favourite ever (along with Dior's Fahrenheit) and the distinctive Burberry's check pattern is incredibly stilish and refined in light grey nuances..
I'm very pleased with my newest cover^^
BRAVO' (^-^')

venerdì 20 giugno 2008

SAILOR MOON... Tsuki ni kawatte.. oshiokiyo!!!!

I remember with some fondness that in high school my friends & I were totally obsessed with the pretty soldier Sailor Moon anime. Everyone had his/her fave character and after a first crush on Minako (Sailor Venus), I had been completely mesmerized by the ambiguous charm of Sailor Uranus..

Haruka was powerful & elegant and because of her tomboy quality she was thought at first to be a guy.. yet she was soo beautiful!! Her complex femininity unveiled itself on her lesbian love with Neptune, she was so tender, devoted and protective..

I couldn't help but love her..

Few days ago while doing some "spring cleaning" (summer spring-cleaning? LOL) in my room I found some old cuttings and cards and merchandising I collected in those days..

That's a great chance to make a new jacket.. stuupid-Me thought.. (^-^')

as usual I tell myself I have to do some more accurate work..
there's a new and fresh proclivity to maniac perfectionism inside me.. nothing related to something useful as my thesis or my studies.. but a perfectionism for foolish and futile things..

but that's me..

To make this cover I used an old Sailor Moon cards' packaging bag..
That laminated sheet turned out to be way too much light & thin.. and under the clear panel it has made some wavy parts.. (luckly not so noticeable)

mumble mumble.. maybe I have to put some other paper sheet under the sailor cover.. I'll think it over and will make eventual modifications in future :)

anyway I like the outcome even though not perfect ^^,

why dont we make a complete sailor-customization this time?

I've found a sailor moon fan-site soo cool these days, I've asked the owner if I could use some flash animations she posted on her site to create some wallpapers to put here, she is very gentle and I suggest you visit her site if you're fond of sailormoon anime.. there's tons of cute stuff^^


And now here are some animated gif wallpapers, mp3 ringtones, main menu icon set and also external wallpapers!! I've done my best to customize evrything this time, hope you'll enjoy it^^

Disclaimer as usual:
Every image I post in my blog is edited or created by me using some already existing graphics or picture.
It is for fun only and for personal use (mine & yours).
Sailor Moon and every related characters are property of © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha Toei Animation.

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a main menu icon set (it came out just perfect)

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and external display wallpapers:

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Now to complete the work here are some ringtones I've edited from videos I had:

Sailor Moon main theme - Moonlight Densetsu:

Sailor Team "Tsuki ni kawatte.." speech:

Sailor Moon "Tsuki ni kawatte Oshiokiyo!!" speech 1st:

Sailor Moon "Tsuki ni kawatte Oshiokiyo!!" speech 2nd:

Sailor Uranus Attack!

Sailor Uranus - Uranus Planet Power.. Make-up!!!!

domenica 15 giugno 2008

Summer has come in

yesterday while I was loggin' in to MIXI (MIXI is the greatest personal-blog forum community in Japan. Very cool but you can join MIXI only upon invitation.. ok, it's kinda weird and a bit snobish but really a nice place to meet japanese people)..
anyway I found a nice flash animation of a JAL ad campaign.. (^^,)

I've saved it and edited to create a new wallpaper and an animated gif to celebrate the comin' of the summer season..

hope you like it and, most important, I hope that you'll enjoy your summer holidays!

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(credit -- these images are edited by Me but are based on original artwork and graphics property of JAL - Japanese Air Lines)

giovedì 12 giugno 2008

Seven Lucky Gods... Shichi fuku neko..^^

In Japanese Mithology shichifukujin stands for the 7 gods of fortune.
The "big one" is Ebisu (god of fishermen, wealth and fortune.. the only one of the 7 gods to be originated in Japan and from its folklore, the other 6 are derived from the Chinese culture.)

The other gods are

Daikokuten, who protect trade and commerce, often paired with Ebisu in Classical Iconography
Bishamonten, god of warriors
Benten-sama, god of knowledge, beauty and arts
Fukurokuju, god of happyness and longevity
Hotei, debu-god of abundance (he's the chubby one!) ^^ debu-debu luv
Juroujin, god of wisdom

I have created a Custom Jacket using an old Hello-Kitty mirror from Japanese Sanrio.
Image represents the 7 god of fortune.. .. I'd better say the 7 cats of fortune.. lil blasphemy?
naaa it's only typical Japanese Kittey-zation of the world.. LOL^^

The mirror was very nice (when I got it soo many years ago) but the external fabric (really beautiful classic kimono-like fabric) was very damaged (cause I accidentally put it in my washing machine an year ago...) (stuuupid Mauro stiuuupid!!!) LOL

So I cut the fabric and used for a custom jacket for my VS7..

mmumble.. to work with fabric it's very difficoult cause it frays soo easily and the final result didnt convinced me much.. I have to do some more training with my mother's sewing basket..

(need some more needle-and-thread Maurooo ^^,)

martedì 10 giugno 2008

Gay pride parade dress & Black tie (=^__^=)/

("Parade Dress" custom jacket)

Happy Pride!!
for those who attended it last saturday in Rome
and for those who didn't.. (me included) (-_-°)

and now my Gran Gala suit.. the black tie!!

("Black Tie" custom jacket)

I am sooo gratified!!
it wasn't easy to realize.. but the outcome is brilliant (in my opinion..).
I love the pattern and the stylish design..
it's serious but at the same time the glittering writings make it seem young and fancy (^^,)

(I used an old shopping bag I had in my wardrobe, hard but thin paper, dark blue-grey background colour and silver glittering writings.. really cool!)

luxuuury time! (=^O^=)

domenica 8 giugno 2008

The subtle power of commercials....

some people hate businnes companies when they try to appear funny, childish, reassuring and tender through the use of kawaii (adorable) characters in TV campaigns..
sometimes I do agree.. sometimes not..

it depends on how much fluffy & cuddling is the new character ahahah LOL..

lately I fell in luv with the new starring of "Findomestic" advertising campaign..
it's a green and tender guy who helps you at home in doing almost everything..

(Findomestic is a kind of bank and I usually despise the use of these commercial gimmicks to make a bank appear reassuring and close to families.. especially when we all know that the families' debt load in Italian society is dramatically encreasing every year..

it's soooooo cuuuuuuute!! (*^__^*)

(reading comments on the web I just found out that this green guy resembles another well-known japanese chara that I have never heard of before.. so-called MARIMO..
if you wanna see more about it here's a link to a picture collection on flickr: )

obviously I created a new jacket for my VS7 with my new LUV..

I'm addicted to kawainess...

venerdì 6 giugno 2008

Doco Doco Doco Doco Docomodake!!

never seen 'em doin' anything serious..
they just play or sing...
or most of the time they DANCE!!

What a wonderful life..
don'tcha think?! o(^-^o)(o^-^)o

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and now.. Docomodake ringtones!!!
Nintendo DS main BGM
kotchira!!: (^as the following^)

kawaiii Docomodake song (from CM)

kawaii Docomodake sms tone #1

sms tone #2 (from Nintendo DS game)

giovedì 5 giugno 2008

More DoCoMo animated wallpapers! (added ringtone!!!)

I love Ulead Gif animator software!!
It's soo easy to use and one of the best program to create animated gif images from whatever source^^
it's so funny and very satisfying when you look at the result (=^__^=)

ps. to create an animated wallpaper for your VS serie mobile you have to set the right size of the gif canvas, that is 240x262 and the file shouldn't exceed the 450/500 kb (approx.) to work properly on the main display.

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I've created also a ringtone with the background music of this Commercial campaign..

download link------> Kotchira!!:

mercoledì 4 giugno 2008

New animated gif for main display ^^

I've just edited a couple of new animated gif (=^___^=)
they look really nice on main display!

Images are taken from a DoCoMo commercial of 2007
(Luved this campaign, NTT Docomo launched a lot of commercials for the "DoCoMo 2.0" featuring a bouch of japanese stars like Satoshi Tsumabuki, Tomoya Nagase, Eita, Asano Tadanobu, Kazue Fukiishi, Aoi Yuu, Kitagawa Keiko, Anna Tsuchiya..)

I will create some more gif images from these CMs in near future^^

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Pink it´s my new obsession

Pink is my favorite crayon, yeah
Pink it was love at first sight
Pink when I turn out the light
Pink it´s like red but not quite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight