mercoledì 3 settembre 2008

Diamonds are the girl's best friend....

(in picture you can't see how really bright is the VS7 16 million colours TFT 2,5inch display..
I love it.. that's the main feature it prompted me to buy one..)

few weeks ago while i was lurking around as usual in a High-tech store here in Rome I laid my hands on a beautiful HTC DIAMOND brochure.. there were also some promotional postcards you could get.. and I pinched a couple with the purpose of creating a new jacket for VS7..
Those postcards were really stunning.. they were laminated glossy black hologram cards and the graphics changed by moving the card..
I thought it could turn out an awesome jacket.. but I WAS WRONG!
while i was cutting the film pack (a plastic laminated cardboard) the hologram got messed up because air filtered underneath the plastic and created some bubbles..

I got mad.. That Holographic jacket sure would have been great if I could manage to cut it in the right way... (O_o) ...... (T_T) sob sob..

In the end I picked again the HTC brochure (plain black paper) and I cutted it to have a new Jacket..

mumble mumble.. I was so disappointed at first for my fully unsuccessful holographic cover that I couldn't consider this plain new jacket as barely attractive.. but now I must admit that I like it very much..

Simplicity works... (in jackets as in life) (^-^ °)

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